Voting Fraud- Just what the left-wingers like

What is so wrong with having to require an ID or form of identification to vote? I wish I could tell you. However, I think it is only logical to require people to have proper identification before voting. However many democrats do not. The Democratic National Committee receives vast amounts of funds to work against “a series of anti-election-fraud initiatives.” Go figure, democrats against reforming voter fraud. Why is this one may ask, because many of these “voters” are deceased or fictional characters, oh and as well as double voters. This is a real problem in the world of politics today. The DNC claims these anti-voter fraud laws make it more difficult to vote, maybe more difficult to vote if you are deceased or living here illegally. They claim that some people don’t have the money to pay for a proper ID, well hell, it’s a good thing they hand out free ones then isn’t it. Research also shows that in the 2008 election, voter participation increased in states that have passed stronger voter ID laws, such as Indiana and Georgia. So much for being more “difficult” as the DNC likes to claim. Also, these laws are constitutional, so says the U.S Supreme Court. The reason democrats are against these laws is because the benefit greatly from not having them. Just take a look at the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, ACORN for short. ACORN was responsible for over 400,000 faulty voter registrations. A percentage that could have possibly changed the outcome of elections in some states. Oh and I forgot to mention that ACORN openly supported Obama, go figure, right? According to the Colorado State Department, roughly 5,000 non-citizens voted in the 2010 midterms, with another 7,000 registered to vote. Voting is one of our greatest rights as citizens and should be treated so, we should protect this right, or else the right to vote will have lost all of its power.


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